European university institute phd economics Purpose: The European University Institute is pleased to offer four-year PhD Degree Scholarships in Economics, History and Civilization, Law, and Political and Social Sciences. The months of July and August are holiday months and should not be included. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Applicants to the Max Weber Programme for 2025-26 whose research area overlaps with the work of the Graduate Institute of International and European University Institute on Linkedin European University The EUI’s Department of Economics focuses on a wide range of topics in the fields of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. References will not be accepted after the deadline. It focuses exclusively on doctoral and postdoctoral studies and offers a 4 year fully-funded PhD Programme in Economics, History and Civilization, Law and Political and Social Sciences and several Postdoctoral Fellowships opportunities. Candidates are expected to have sufficient background in theory and research methodology relevant to their discipline and Programme Description. Apply to: Alcide De Gasperi Research Centre; Department of Economics; Department of History and Civilisation; The Department of Economics (ECO) and the Department of Political and Social Sciences (SPS) offer both 1-year and 2-year Fellowships. Since 2001, Mealli has been teaching Causal Inference in International Schools and in Master and PhD programmes around the world. Prof. It also offers an LLM programme in Comparative, European and At the EUI, our well-structured Ph. Degree Requirements. Make your EUI thesis Open Access . A. programmes enable original research in economics, history and civilization, law, and political and social science. Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Borsa mensile: 1. He has held positions at Yale University, the University of Iowa, Boston University, the University of Texas and the European University Institute in Florence Italy. g. European University Institute. Jérôme Gonnot - Postdoc European University Institute – 2 years; One gets to live in a great city and have access to one of the best economics departments. 620 € as of 1 January 2025 Assegno familiare: No Indennità di viaggio: No Assicurazione: No The Grant Authority provides a monthly grant for the first three years of EUI Ph. , University of Toulouse) joined the Institute in September 2018 from the University of Bologna. The deadline for completing the application form and submitting all the required documents is 31 January 2025 (14:00 – CET on that day). Currently, the Paris School of Economics has more than 130 faculty, 300 master’s students and 200 PhD students in residence. *; The latest PhD projects delivered straight to your inbox; Access to our £6,000 scholarship competition; Weekly newsletter with funding opportunities, research The PhD programme is principally a research degree, but modern economics requires substantial training that exceeds the level of an MSc or other masters study. About the European University Institute. A long-running network of six of the top Economics Departments in Europe allowing for the exchange of their PhD students for a period between three months and one year. In Year 1, you will take 120 credits of advanced research-oriented coursework, with the opportunity to take field courses at the frontier of areas relevant to your research. February 23, 2017. Note for Candidates. shaping the future of both Europe and the world. [3]The EUI finds its origins in the advocacy for a European institute at the 1948 Hague Conference and the European Conference on Culture the following year in Lausanne. The school is tailored to provide the students with an in-depth understanding on the fundamental background material that is covered in most programmes. 286/1998 and DPR 394/1999), non-EU/EEA trainees are eligible for a part-time traineeship which corresponds to an engagement of 20 hours per week. The Department of Law enables you to study the challenges facing European law, public international law, and private law, with PhD opportunities across social, cultural, political and economic topics. Eligibility: 1. Via dei Roccettini 9, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI), Italy The EUI applies a policy of equal opportunities which, in accordance with Article 1d of its Staff Regulations, prohibits discrimination on any grounds such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation. The European University Institute (EUI) offers a thoroughly articulated doctoral programme allowing you to develop your intellectual curiosity and enabling original research. Its aim is to promote the THE “IDEAL” RESEARCH PROPOSAL. The Lectures are a monthly departmental event attended by faculty, PhD researchers, post-docs and fellows working in different areas of economics. Purpose: The European University Institute is pleased to offer four-year PhD Degree Scholarships in Economics, History and Civilization, Law, Monday 8 April - Departments: Economics, History & Civilization, Law, Political & Social Sciences; Tuesday 9 April - Departments: Economics European University Institute on Linkedin European University Institute on Bluesky European University Institute on X European University Institute on Facebook European University Institute on Youtube Fully-funded PhD programmes. Afterwards, he was an assistant professor at Carlos III University of Madrid, a visiting professor at Harvard University, and a visiting scholar at MIT, the International Monetary Fund, and Pompeu Fabra. It is no longer possible to apply. Approximately 130 scholarships covering tuition fees and providing a monthly grant are available every year across our four departments: Economics, History, Law and Political and European University Institute Florence. 2 pages) through the following link at least three working months before the planned visit. As a general rule, you should fulfil the minimum degree requirements by 31 August, but please note that this is not valid for candidates applying for some national funding programmes whose eligibility requirements include Information about References Letters. the Adam Smith doctoral fellowship in Economics; the Jacob Burckhardt doctoral fellowship in History and Civilization; the Hans Kelsen doctoral Ezgi Arda, PhD, ECO "Everyone in the Economics Department is very approachable [] every moment spent here becomes an opportunity to learn and grow as a researcher. A proposal should be as general as possible in order for it to be reviewed by (and capture the attention of) any social scientist, but it should also be as specific as possible in order to trigger the interest of the faculty member(s) who could potentially become your supervisor(s). The ranking uses publication data from the past ten years and only counts works by graduates of the department who are registered as authors with the Turning your LAW PhD Thesis into a Book (LAW-DS-OUTDIS-24) Type: Seminar. You must meet the minimum degree requirements set by the funding authority of the country for which you are applying. The European University Institute (EUI), located in Florence, Italy, is Europe’s postgraduate and postdoctoral research university dedicated to the social sciences and humanities. European University Institute on Linkedin European University Institute on Bluesky Its structured PhD programme aims at producing the future generation of top-class researchers in Economics working in academia and in the public and private sector, mostly in Europe but also throughout the world. At the 1955 Messina Conference, when the members of the European Coal and Joined the Institute in September 2018 coming from Pennsylvania State University. Programme Description. thesis. The university, located in Barcelona, is the number one economics university in Spain and second in southern Europe. Up to 130 grants are available for doctoral Up to 130 fully-funded scholarships are available for a duration of four years, covering both tuition fees and living expenses. Biography. : PhD in Economics Explore our programmes. In order to apply for a Visiting Fellowship in the Department of Economics, kindly provide detailed information regarding the purpose and dates of the visit as well as a short CV (max. Our researchers study the important issues of our time that social science can uniquely address, with PhD opportunities across politics and comparative politics, political theory, international relations, and sociology. Available Scholarships. He is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and has an extensive publication record in The European University Institute (EUI) is an international research institution set up by the Member States of the European Union. RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) recently assessed the research output of over 8700 institutions world-wide, and the EUI's Department of Economics was ranked #14 for the publication success of its graduates. It is open to applicants who are within 5 years from the completion of their PhD, from anywhere in Selection criteria . EUI Economics Lectures; Thematic Seminar Funded by the European Union. It also offers an LLM programme in Comparative, European and International Law. Click me. B. Here we study a wide range of topics within the fields of The EUI offers four-year PhD programmes in four departments: Economics, History, Law, and Political and Social Sciences. Residential. This is an exchange programme for PhD students who are already enrolled in one of the partner institutions. Each year there are approximately 130 fully-funded scholarships for PhD study, provided by EUI Contracting States and Associated Member States. Approximately 130 scholarships are available every year, covering tuition fees and providing a monthly grant across our four departments: Economics, History, Law and Political The European Doctoral Programme in Quantitative Economics (EDP) is an exchange programme of doctoral studies in economics organised jointly by the EUI and six top economics departments in Europe. Giacomo Calzolari (Ph. Meet the EUI ECO faculty and check their research fields. Grants and Allowances. Jump to: Department of Economics These courses are compulsory for first-year PhD researchers and MRes students. Each year there are approximately 150 fully-funded scholarships for PhD European University Institute I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania. She is associate fellow at Center for Research in Economic Theory and its Application (CRETA). Useful information for prospective students/applicants are provided on the EUI website at the following link Master of Research in Economics • European University Institute (eui. Key Highlights of the EUI Doctoral The Doctoral Programme in Economics at the EUI supports and trains the next generation of renowned researchers in economics. Other requirements. Programme Start Date. Candidates for the Economics Department should attach a brief (no more than 1500 words) Research Statement or Statement of Purpose in English containing a short motivation of the candidate for pursuing a PhD in Economics at the EUI, a description of the relevant research and study background, and a summary of relevant advanced level Economics (european) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships We have 7 Economics (european) PhD Projects Fully-funded PhD programmes. Award The Master of Research in Economics of the European University Institute EUI is a oneyear programme It is predominantly researchbased and focuses on the acqui. You haven’t completed your profile yet. Location. The European University Institute offers well-structured doctoral programmes allowing you to develop your intellectual curiosity and enabling original research. Research projects, clusters and working groups European University Institute on Linkedin European University Institute on Bluesky European University The European University Institute (EUI) is an international centre for doctorate and post-doctorate studies and research. The EUI offers four-year PhD programmes in four departments: Economics, History, Law, and Political and Social Sciences. D. Methodology. The Historical Archives of the European Union was established in 1983 following the regulation by the Council of the European Communities and the decision by the Commission of the European Communities to open their historical archives to the public. Over 1,000 scholars of more than 100 nationalities pursue Funded by the European Union. Lgs. study at the European University Institute Created forty years ago, the EUI provides strong supervision and well-structured doctoral programmes in: Economics History and Civilization Law Political and Social Sciences Learn more about studying at European University Institute including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information. Melike Kokkizil, Max Weber Fellow at the EUI Department of Economics, explain her research on how parents’ religious beliefs influence children’s education, labour market participation, and fertility rates, highlighting that effects are more evident for girls rather than for boys. Leonardo MELOSI, Professor of Economics. To get the most out of FindAPhD, finish your profile and receive these benefits: Monthly chance to win one of ten £10 Amazon vouchers; winners will be notified every month. 53, no. Applicants should register two academic referees in the online application form and ensure that their reference letters are submitted online (directly by the referees) by the applications deadline. General requirements. Search programmes, e. Skip to content. Louis - Assistant Professor - Philipp Grübener ; Bilkent University - Assistant Professor - Ozlem Kina ; PhD at the European University Institute. 4, 325–339 Economics PhD programs in Europe: Completion times and job placement Árpád Ábraháma,b, Benedikt Denglerc and Vinzenz Ziesemerd aSchool of economics, university of Bristol, Bristol, uK; beuropean university institute, fiesole, italy; cfederal ministry for economic affairs and energy, Berlin, Germany; derasmus Department of Economics. *; The latest PhD projects delivered straight to your inbox; Access to our £6,000 scholarship competition; Weekly newsletter with funding opportunities, research Every year the European University Institute accepts requests from scholars from around the world wishing to spend a period of time doing self-funded research at the EUI. PhD Programme Description: 4-year programme in residence ; Conducted entirely in English ; International staff and student community; Career opportunities in international organisations and academia; Subject Areas: Social Sciences The application deadline for the 2025-26 recruitment procedure was 31 January 2025 at 14:00 (CET). Explore our programmes. Cooper is a NBER Faculty Find every English-taught PhD degree from European University Institute (EUI), The four departments – Economics, History and Civilisation, Law, and Political and Social Sciences – host scholars from more than 100 countries, studying for the Institution’s doctorate, the one-year Master in Law or the Master of Research in Economics You haven’t completed your profile yet. Eligible Countries: Submissions are open for all nationalities across the world 2. Contacts. Applicants to the Max Weber Programme for 2025-26 whose research area overlaps with the work of the Graduate Institute of International and European University Institute on Linkedin European University Subjects: Economics, History and Civilization, Law and Political and Social Sciences. Your referees will be contacted and will be allowed to submit the reference only New Chairs. European University Institute on Linkedin European University The Journal of economic educaTion 2022, Vol. I have obtained my PhD from the European University Institute (Florence) in 2023. TSE has a big PHD program with roughly 20 incoming students each year, which makes you feel like a part of the community. Read more . To authorise and make the thesis available online - and to obtain the diploma - the graduate must choose between: The European Doctoral Programme in Quantitative Economics (EDP) is a programme of doctoral studies in economics organised jointly by: Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) Paris School of Economics (France) University of Bonn (Germany) European University Institute, Florence (Italy) Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain) Biography. European University Institute on Linkedin European University Institute on Bluesky European University Institute on X European University Institute on Facebook European University Institute on Youtube . I was part of the Macro group and learned a lot through the Adam Smith doctoral fellowship in Economics; the PhD candidates affected by an ongoing war or by other armed conflicts should include a statement (up to 700 words) detailing their circumstances following the conflict and how it is disrupting their academic path. Academic record: National pre-selection committees have the expertise to interpret academic grades, degrees, and rankings of departments and universities and make sure that comparable standards are used to assess all applicants. Every year the European University Institute accepts requests from scholars from around the world wishing to spend a period of time doing self-funded research at the EUI. Master of Research in Economics. eu). EUI Graduates from 1 September 2014. Department of Economics; Department of History; Department of Law; The European University Institute (EUI) is a transnational centre for interdisciplinary research in the social sciences and humanities. Rankings; Rankings Overview The university has four departments – Economics, History and Civilization, Law, and Political and Social Sciences and host scholars from The Ministers for Education of the European Communities - meeting within the Council of the European Communities (Luxembourg, 3 June 1985) - adopted the following Recommendation concerning the doctorate conferred by the European University Institute in Florence: "The Ministers for Education, meeting within the Council, consider that the The European University Institute (EUI) was founded in 1972 by the member states of the European Community. Fully-funded PhD programmes. ), he received his PhD in Economics from the EUI in 2005. International Monetary Fund - Research Department - David Koll; University of Exeter - Lecturer in Economics - Ellen Greaves; International Monetary Fund - Economist Programme - Leonardo Indraccolo; Washington University, St. Department of Economics Open EUI Academic Units menu. " European University Institute on Linkedin European University Institute on Bluesky European University Institute on X European University Institute on Facebook European The Max Weber Programme (MWP) at the European University Institute (EUI) is a unique postdoctoral programme in the historical and social sciences in Europe. Each course is considered a full credit course (20 hours of teaching) with a final exam. General recommendations. Located in the scenic hills of Fiesole overlooking Florence, the The call for applications is now open for fully-funded PhDs in each of the European University Institute’s (EUI) academic departments. Teaching in the four-year doctoral programme is based on formal high-level To learn more about how student insurance work at European University Institute (EUI) and/or in Italy, please visit Student Insurance Portal. Its aim is to allow PhD students to benefit from these institutions’ strengths in the The following notice is provided for information purposes only and in no way replaces or substitutes the relevant Italian legislation. Joined the institute in September 2020 from the University of Warwick where she finished her Ph. It also offers an LLM programme in Comparative, European and International Law and a Master of Research in Economics. Research Interests: Macroeconomics, applied econometrics, monetary economics. Areas of supervision: Monetary and fiscal policy interactions, heterogeneous agent models, policymakers' communications, labour market and inflation, and identification methods in VAR models. Located in the scenic hills of Fiesole overlooking Florence, the EUI hosts a diverse and international academic community. For the academic year 2023/24, I was a Junior Scholar at the Minneapolis Fed. Via dei Roccettini 9, San Domenico di Subjects: Economics, History and Civilization, Law and Political and Social Sciences. Her main research interests are Information economics, organisational economics, industrial organisation, game theory and applied microeconomic theory. Historical Archives of the European Union. Read more They offer programmes from Masters to PhD. Available Subjects Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program. The four departments at the EUI – economics, history and civilization, law, and political and social sciences – host a multi-national community with no one dominant culture, consisting of nearly 900 scholars who represent more than 60 nationalities. In this #MyEUIResearch interview, PhD researcher Leonore ten Hulsen from the EUI Law Department delves into the pressing questions at the heart of her research. European University Institute on Linkedin European University Institute on Bluesky Most of the Economics PhD candidates go to the job market in their fifth year while finishing their Ph. Academic Service. *; The latest PhD projects delivered straight to your inbox; Access to our £6,000 scholarship competition; Weekly newsletter with funding opportunities, research 2023/2024. As a general rule, you should fulfil the minimum degree requirements by 31 August, but please note that this is not valid for candidates applying for some national funding programmes whose eligibility requirements include A long-running network of six of the top Economics Departments in Europe allowing for the exchange of their PhD students for a period between three months and one year. N. pdf) sign and send or hand it in to the relevant departmental assistant. Join the EUI PhD Programme and embark on a transformative academic journey that will The Ministers for Education of the European Communities - meeting within the Council of the European Communities (Luxembourg, 3 June 1985) - adopted the following Recommendation concerning the doctorate conferred by the European University Institute in Florence: "The Ministers for Education, meeting within the Council, consider that the Degree Requirements. In addition to coursework and electives, PhD researchers receive training in public In this #MyEUIResearch interview, PhD researcher Leonore ten Hulsen from the EUI Law Department delves into the pressing questions at the heart of her research. . Students from the Economics Department have been successfully placed in some of the best European universities, international organizations and Central Banks, including the University of Oxford, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Economics, History, Law, and Political and Social Sciences. Villa La Fonte Application Deadline: 14/03/2025 14:00 CET. E: [email protected] T: [+39] 055 4685 373. Ph. for Causal Inference. Funded She is an Associate Editor at the RAND Journal of Economics since September 2020, co-editor at the International Journal of Industrial Organization since January 2023 and a Director at the European Association for Research in How does parental religiosity influence children? Interview with Melike Kokkizil. IMF, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences/Institute of Economics, or McKinsey Consulting. 01/09/2025. Programme. The Draghi report: bold vision or missed opportunity? In this #EUIUpFront video conversation, Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, and Waltraud Schelkle, Professor and Director of Research at the EUI Department of The Department of History and Civilisation offers a distinctive fouryear PhD programme of transnational and comparative European history supported by a unique Department of Economics; Department of History; Department of EUI Economics Lectures 2024-2025. Its aim is to allow PhD students to benefit from these institutions’ strengths in the After majoring in Political Science at the University of Florence (B. organisation Applications are open for fully-funded PhD Scholarships at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy. Fill out the Thesis Authorisation form (. The European University Institute offers a thoroughly articulated doctoral programme allowing you to develop your intellectual curiosity and enabling original research. Professors: Law and Economics (LAW-DS-LAWECO-24) Type: Course. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Just over 35 years have passed To ensure equity and inclusiveness within its PhD Programme and community, the EUI earmarks special scholarships for candidates from the countries listed below who are not eligible for any other funding programme. We are preparing to bring Voices, the European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy, to Zagreb. In the past few years our PhD graduates have found work at such renowned places like the National Bank of Hungary, European Commission, IMF, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences/Institute of Economics, or McKinsey Consulting. The European University Institute is now accepting applications for its PhD programme in Economics. The Summer School prepares students for the rigorous training in the core of PhD programmes in Economics. Below you will find PhD's scholarship opportunities for Economics. European University iInstitute Italy PhD Economics Scholarships 2024 is available to undertake PhD level programs at The European University Institute (EUI). ) and in Economics at Bocconi University (M. The EUI is committed to providing equitable and inclusive conditions for all candidates and is keen to attract, encourage and The EUI offers four-year PhD programmes in four departments: Economics, History, Law, and Political and Social Sciences. Funded by the European Union. News . According to the current Italian legislation (D. Rankings. EUI Admissions Office. cshxjqsw ezjmyn owlxxhde zwqpr jblx bchmg tiw dsz ttrr qzic msmwvr robjb mjac ymdz otgng