Sfe ddsb login teachers Password Contact SFE Support. Sir Samuel Steele Public School 55 Bakerville Street Whitby, ON L1R 2S6 Phone: 905-723-2944 Email Us. Student Trustees are elected students who represent all students in the Durham District School Board (DDSB). The first time the employee logs into SFE, they are to select “Forgot Password”. As an elementary Occasional Teacher working for the TDSB you are a member of ETFO – Toronto Occasional Teachers’ Local. Access ID. Welcome to HDSB's SmartFind Express Attendance System. Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Elsie MacGill Public School 800 Greenhill Avenue, Oshawa, ON L1K 0C8 Canada elsiemacgillps@ddsb. DUFFERIN PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. All students are expected to abide by the DDSB Acceptable and Safe Use Procedure included with this letter Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Sign in with your organizational account. Students caught vandalizing school computer equipment will be subject to discipline according to the Schools Code of Behaviour and Safe Contact SFE Support. Glen Street Public School 929 Glen Street Oshawa, ON L1J 3T9 Phone: 905-723-8821 Email Us. Welcome to the UGDSB Login Portal. 2. If the single sign on feature has not been enabled, the employee will login by entering their Access ID (employee number) and PW. To support you in your role as an Occasional teacher we offer a number of professional Contact SFE Support. When the page reloads, content will be pulled in from the page you specified. They are now located at 5987 Prince Albert Street, Vancouver, BC, V5W 3E2. Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Queen Elizabeth Public School 1205 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ON L1G 4X1 Canada Contact SFE Support. apps; ParentConnect. After all absence information has been added, tap Continue to view the Create Absence Confirmation page. Students will be invited by their teacher to a class as classes are established. If you are not interested in renewing and wish to have your name removed from the occasional teaching roster, you do not need to complete this process. Student Activities Contact SFE Support. OR, SIGN IN WITH. Family and Community Support; Positive School Climates. , Whitby, ON L1R 2K5 Canada SinclairSS@ddsb. J METCALFE Head Secretary Jennifer Metcalf: 9055761938 Email J METCALFE. PowerSchool. ca. 5683. 1. Start by clicking on the Microsoft logo to login with your DDSB username followed by @ddsb. com website. Any issues with the device should be reported to your teacher or school office so that DDSB staff can action repairing the device. 3 Hours of Operation - Monday to Friday: 7:30 AM TO 5:00 PM: August 31, 2023 myPATH Performance On September 1, THANK YOU Substitutes: ***ALL SUBSTITUES: On behalf of the Guest Teacher Substitute Team we wanted to extend a KUDUS to our Substitutes and let you know we appreciate all of your support every day. You need to log-in in order to complete the renewal process for the 2021-2022 school year. From the home page, substitutes can manage personal information, review their work schedule, search for available jobs, and review assignments. sfe. Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Beau Valley Public School 230 Marigold Avenue, Oshawa, ON L1G 3G3 Canada BeauValleyPS@ddsb. Trying to sign you in. If you currently have a personal gmail account click on your icon and ADD another account. Microsoft > All classes in DDSB@Home will have a Google Classroom to facilitate learning and communication. ca Contact SFE Support. Close Alert Banner. Teachers will supervise students’ use of the Internet as they supervise student use of all other school resources. 4600 . S. QUICK LINKS. Terms of Use | Privacy | Full Site. Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Valley View Public School 3530 Westney Road North, Pickering, ON L1X 0J5 Canada ValleyViewPS@ddsb. k12. If you did not receive your child’s Access Password, please contact your child’s school. 3 Hours of Operation - Monday to Friday: 7:30 AM TO 5:00 PM: August 31, 2023 myPATH Performance On September 1, Content Pull Instructions. We thank you for not taking DDSB devices for repair outside Content Pull Instructions. Contact a Teacher or Principal; Pay For. Principal: Nadine McKoy Vice Principal: Daad Samaha Superintendent: Martine Robinson Trustee(s): Login; BYOD Login Staff Login Manage Your Website. Frenchman's Bay Public School 920 Oklahoma Drive Pickering, ON L1W 2H7 Phone: 905-839-1131 Email Us. Our School; Submit Forgot Password?. 2 Support Staff Dispatch Help Desk 416-338-4747 Ext. Password If this is your first visit to the Parent Portal, click “Create Account” to set up your new account. If you have any questions regarding SFE, please contact the SFE Operator, 1) Be engaged in your child’s learning- if needed contact the teacher by email if your child needs assistance. ): 1-888-534-2222 F: 416-961-8822 info@oct. If this changes your ability to complete an already accepted assignment then please reach out to the school to be reassigned. Password Welcome to SmartFindExpress (SFE) for Teachers Now! The SFE phone number is 855. Grenfell Elementary has moved to the South Hill Education Centre swing site due to seismic construction. On-call Contact SFE Support. Continue to use you numeric Access ID and PIN for telephone access. College Hill Public School 530 Laval Street Oshawa, ON L1J 6R2 Phone: 905-723-2876 Email Us. For those with a Board email, access SFE online with one-click by clicking on the Microsoft logo. > Search for UNIFIED TALENT MOBILE > Enter code Welcome to the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Clarington Catholic District School Board - SmartFind Express. If Contact SFE Support. After registering, to log in Click on the Microsoft icon to use the boards login. Colonel J. If you are not logged into a board computer, you will be prompted to log into Office365, using your CDSBEO email & email password. Principal: DUFFERIN PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. The Internet is a vehicle for accessing a global network of information resources for teaching and learning. Our School; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Colonel J. R ZHANG Grade 1/2 Phone: 9056836208 Email R ZHANG. Wilson Secondary School 681 Rossland Road West Whitby, ON L1P 1Y1 Phone: 905-665-5057 Guidance: 905-665-7615 Email Us. Teachers and students are instructed on the safe and acceptable use of the Internet and other DDSB computing technology. Principal: The Smartphone Mobile App for Employees (teachers, aides, nurses) and Substitutes is available for download via the Apple or Android App store. Please contact tshea@greenville. 101 Bloor Street West Toronto ON, M5S 0A1 P: 416-961-8800 Toll Free (Canada and U. Our School; Educators ; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Maple Ridge Public School 2010 Bushmill Street, Pickering, ON L1X 2M2 Canada MapleRidgePS@ddsb. Employees on approved LTD, Maternity Leave or Personal Leaves longer than 2 months do not need to report on SFE, but DO need to notify People and Culture or Health and Wellness Acknowledge Message Acknowledge Message HDSB Teachers and students are instructed on the safe and acceptable use of the Internet and other DDSB computing technology. Upper Grand DSB SFE Portal Your session will time out after 10 minutes. Students should follow the link to Google Classroom found on Student Mobile Campus to find their invitation and classes. To attach your child to the new account, you will need your child’s unique Access Password and OEN. Instead, only select “DSEO Sign In”. 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, ON L1R 2K6 Canada Phone 905-666-5500 Toll Free 1-800-265-3968 Email us. The DDSB Board of Trustees and the bargaining unit have ratified the agreement. Toggle Section. Terms of use Privacy & cookies Privacy & cookies on the login page of SFE to recover password. Our School; Departments; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Brock High School R. District Username Principals, Vice-Principals, Teachers, and Superintendents will now be able to complete Teacher?s performance appraisals online. Ontario Street Public School 24 Ontario Street Ajax, ON L1S 1T6 Phone: 905-683-3581 Email Us. Password Discover school news, events, and important resources for for parents, teachers and students. Click here for SmartFindExpress Login Instructions SFE System Phone Number: 416-338-4500 or 1-844-294-7614 (toll free) For assistance, please contact: Teaching Dispatch Help Desk 416-338-4747 Ext. powerschool. In the box below, paste the full URL to the page from which content should be pulled-in. This will prompt SFE to send the employee an email with a password change link. Password Durham District School Board (DDSB) Similarly, the Ontario College of Teachers offers tips for ensuring that your classroom and school environment are safe for all students. g_translate Translate Google Translate Limitations Disclaimer. System Phone: 1-844-802-5287 Welcome to SmartFindExpress (SFE) for Greenville County Schools. IF WEBSITE IS DOWN PLEASE USE THE PHONE SYSTEM 1-844-294-7615 Contact SFE Support. Please monitor the Emergency Notification Channel in Teams, and the VSB website for possible closures. . ly/HelpWithParentPortal to learn more. on. ca with your location Content Pull Instructions. Click Save. Employee/Family Assistance Program. Queen Elizabeth Public School 1205 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, ON L1G 4X1 Phone: 905-723-7042 Email Us. Password Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience and security. Teachers will supervise student use of the Internet as they supervise student use of all other school resources. Copyright © 2005-2025 PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliates. ca and password 855-502-4600. Upon successful login, the Substitute home page is displayed. Principal: The Durham District School Board (DDSB) announced on May 7 that it has reached a new agreement with the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) Teachers bargaining unit. Coronation Public School 441 Adelaide Avenue East Oshawa, ON L1G 2A4 Phone: 905-725-2032 Email Us. Forgot your password? Click Here. This newly created password DDSB computing technology is made available to students to support their learning, research requirements, and career preparation. "This agreement underlines our shared commitment to fostering positive learning Durham District School Board. com. Log In Parent, Student Resource Center Contact Us Request Demo. SOUTH COUNTY SUB REPORTING SYSTEM >>>> District Username. From your Home Page you can: Managing Profile Information The Profile menu lets you view profile information, update your email address and passwords, and In addition to teachers and administrators, other staff such as educational assistants, Aboriginal counsellors, social workers, psychologists, and attendance counsellors all play an important role in supporting students and contributing to a positive learning and teaching environment. Contact Us . sc. Our School; Departments; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Sinclair Secondary School 380 Taunton Rd E. Brock High School R. Smart Find Express (SFE) has switched to the single sign on (SSO) platform. Login Instructions at Home The Parent Portal is available to all DDSB Parents and Guardians. ca and password DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. Principal: Subs please view the following video to learn how to use the SFE system. Our School; Families; Educators; Students; Library Learning Commons; Coronation Public School 441 Adelaide Avenue East, Oshawa, ON L1G 2A4 Canada If you have any questions, please contact the STAR help desk at extension 4357 option 5. Supported browsers: Chrome: Mozilla Firefox: Safari: Microsoft Edge Occasional Teachers are to update their Occasional Teacher Application on the https://cdsbeo. Welcome to Denver Public Schools - SmartFindExpress system! SUBSTITUTES: ***ALL SUBSTITUTES: Need to complete 2024/25 Mandatory Trainings. For SFE Training and FAQs, visit the SFE My Site Page Contact the LTSS Helpdesk at x4357, if you require additional support for registration and login. Dunbarton High School 655 Sheppard Avenue Pickering, ON L1V 1G2 Phone: 905-839-1125 Fax: 905-683-0491 Email Us. Cancel. They participate in Board of Trustees meetings and guide the Student Senate. We recommend updating your browser to its most * First time users of this system MUST register by calling 718-935-6740 (available at all hours). One of the things that caught my eye on SmartFind Express is the occasional posting for librarians and elementary special education positions. When you go to work, you To log into your CCSD gmail account go to Google and click on gmail in the upper right corner and enter your login (remember the @nv. sharepoint. We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at your earliest convenience. Employee/Family Assistance Program . E. Bullying Prevention and Intervention; Character Education ; Human Trafficking: What Families Need to Know; Learn about Durham District School Board policies and procedures. Welcome to the Occasional Teaching Renewal process. If you don't know your board account please contact ICT 613 258-7757, press 1. Please Note: many common questions can be addressed by your student's current or most recently attended school, including Ontario Student Records/Transcripts, and Parent Portal troubleshooting. * Your Access ID and Initial PIN are both your badge number with no leading zeros. You may also use our system using the telephone, to create or cancel absences: 1-844-802-5280 . The SFE phone number is (864) 422-2300. It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. Supported browsers: Chrome: Mozilla Firefox: Safari: Microsoft Edge Submit Forgot Password?. 794. Elsie MacGill Public School 800 Greenhill Avenue Oshawa, ON L1K 0C8 Phone: 905-215-1048 Email Us. 2) Support your child to complete their work to the best of their ability. Browser Compatibility Notification. A. Occasional EA/EE/Secretary’s, please email: CasualNTEmployee@cdsbeo. Students may use the Sign-in with your LAUSD Single Sign-On (SSO) CLICK HERE TO SIGN IN > Terms of Use | Privacy | Full Site Welcome to LDCSB's SmartFind Express (SFE) All employees are required to enter their own day-to-day and long term medical absences here, regardless if they require supply coverage or not. Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Glen Street Public School 929 Glen Street, Oshawa, ON L1J 3T9 Canada GlenStreetPS@ddsb. If virtual, please provide any relevant ZOOM and/or Edsby information so the supply is able to support Effective October 2020, the Single Sign On feature was implemenented in SFE. ccsd. Ensure you save this URL as a favorite. > Search for UNIFIED TALENT MOBILE > You must first register with the SFE system by calling:1-855-319-1837 Your Access ID is your employee number and for the first time registering over the SFE automated system, your Login; Get a Demo Demo; Generic selectors. DDSB technologies allow all schools to offer Internet access to their students. If you are logged into a board computer, you will be routed into SFE. Whitby, ON L1R 2K5 Phone: 905-666-5400 Email Us. Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Whitby Shores Public School 485 Whitby Shores Greenway, Whitby, ON L1N 0G8 Canada (scroll down to read all information) There is a confirmed case of Hand Foot and Mouth at Central Public School. en français. Please visit the myPATH Performance for Teachers Smart Find Express (SFE) has switched to the single sign on (SSO) platform. The basic Login to SchoolMessenger for DDSB. R. #1, C1590 Concession 12 Cannington, ON L0E 1E0 Phone: 705-432-2311 Email Us. District Username. SOUTHSIDE HIGH for 2024-25: Long Term sub for Special Ed LDR Teacher, certified as SPECIAL ED or other SC secondary teacher certification area, needed NOW thru TBD. Farewell Public School 810 Mcquay Boulevard, Whitby, ON L1P 1J1 Canada Booking School Spaces; Buses and Transportation; EQAO Assessments/Results; Find My School; Register for School; Report an Absence; School Closures and Bus Cancellations Click here to access SFE Training Guides Effective: February 14, 2025 . We have many job opportunities throughout the year and if employed, your commitment to the Occasional teacher list is an important part of a vibrant and successful school community. SmartFindExpress Mobile Employee User Guide April 2019 PowerSchool Proprietary Documentation – Company confidential/Do Not Distribute 5 12. First time using the Sub Call System * All users must register by phone (703. Welcome to SmartFind Express for Fayette County Public Schools. Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Sherwood Public School 633 Ormond Drive, Oshawa, ON L1K 2W6 Canada SherwoodPS@ddsb. Close Browser Alert Banner. We are the union local that represents you every day you work as an elementary Occasional Teacher. On the SFE login page, do not enter your Access ID or PW. 615. The Peel District School Board is committed to equity and community engagement, and by providing this tool, we are making our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English. Students may use the As an elementary teacher, you are a member of ETFO, the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario. Once you complete the renewal process, you will receive a confirmation notice. Donald A. User Account Report a student absence from a Durham District School Board school online through the SchoolMessenger app or by calling 1-844-350-2646. Have questions about your Parent Portal account or wondering how it works? Visit bit. 2489) before accessing the SFE website. They are also members of the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association, where they work with student trustees from across Ontario to advocate for students. Custodial Transfer List. The employee’s SFE locations will be updated. DDSB computing technology is made available to students to support their learning, research requirements, and career preparation. SMARTFIND EXPRESS Log-in: The District SFE User Name is your Access/Employee ID number without the starting zero's. Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Frenchman's Bay Public School 920 Oklahoma Drive, Pickering, ON L1W 2H7 Canada Peel District School Board. REMINDER WHEN CREATING AN ABSENCE If you require a supply, please remember to enter in the text instructions if the assignment is virtual or in-person. Content Pull Instructions. “In schools where respectful interactions are encouraged and modeled, prevention is occurring at Contact SFE Support. Talent TORONTO DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD >>>> Access ID. Contact SFE Support. If any errors are detected on the form, you will have the opportunity to make corrections and then continue Contact SFE Support. 217. us 11/12/24 LIFELONG LEARNING CENTER: Contact SFE Support. 502. Sinclair Secondary School 380 Taunton Rd E. As a result, parts of the site may not function properly for you. SFE will send you an email to your Board email to reset your password. Our substitute help number is (859) 422-1299. If you are not signed into a Board Computer, you will be asked to sign into Office 365 using your Board Account credentials. Principal: Click here for SmartFindExpress Login Instructions SFE System Phone Number: 416-338-4500 or 1-844-294-7614 (toll free) For assistance, please contact: Teaching Dispatch Help Desk 416-338-4747 Ext. myBlueprint. OEN’s can be found on all provincial report As a new graduate and recent addition to the DDSB as an Occasional Teacher, I've got a few questions and would love some guidance from the seasoned educators out there. 3) Encourage your child to participate positively and remind them of the Code of Conduct. Others login with their Access ID and Password. Our School; Departments; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Occasional (Supply) teachers are very important to us in the Durham District School Board (DDSB). Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Ontario Street Public School 24 Ontario Street, Ajax, ON L1S 1T6 Canada OntarioStreetPS@ddsb. Once the application is saved, Human Resources will receive an email notification. Sherwood Public School 633 Ormond Drive Oshawa, ON L1K 2W6 Phone: 905-728-9283 Email Us. Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; College Hill Public School 530 Laval Street, Oshawa, ON L1J 6R2 Canada CollegeHillPS@ddsb. Exact matches only Search in title Search in content Post Type Selectors. Principal: Andrea Peel Vice All DDSB devices are under warranty with our vendor. For this one-time registration process, your Access ID and PIN is your EIS/File Number, The Smartphone Mobile App for Employees (teachers, aides, nurses) and Substitutes is available for download via the Apple or Android App store. net is part of the email address). Our School; Educators; Families; Students; Library Learning Commons; Sir Samuel Steele Public School 55 Bakerville Street, Whitby, ON L1R 2S6 Canada SMARTFIND EXPRESS Mobile App - The District's Mobile App code is GMZX SMARTFIND EXPRESS Web Browers URL - https://cssd. Farewell Public School 810 Mcquay Boulevard Whitby, ON L1P 1J1 Phone: 905-666-3901 Email Us. Contact Us. The SmartFind Express number is (859) 648-3385. #1, C1590 Concession 12, Cannington, ON L0E 1E0 Canada BrockHS@ddsb. Principal: Karen Contact SFE Support. Whitby Shores Public School 485 Whitby Shores Greenway Whitby, ON L1N 0G8 Phone: 905-666-6667 Email Us. PLEASE CLICK ON THE MICROSOFT LINK TO LOG IN. We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at Password to access SFE.
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